
Платье «Perfect houndstooth set» от Binh Ngo

Сшито по выкройке Burda

  • Спецпредложение
Двухцветное платье-футляр  №6267 B — выкройка из Каталог Burda 2/2019
Двухцветное платье-футляр  №6267 B — выкройка из Каталог Burda 2/2019

OMG I love this style from the time I saw this on this website, but until last week when I could find the fabric, I start sewing it as soon as I could.

I also sewed a hat by same fabric, unlucky that the hat is a little big for me, but I'm still really crazy happly with the result.

Thank you all my friends!

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